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     I was born a bicentennial in Augusta and had to live with my grandparents on the Kennebec River due to hard times for the first few years of my life.  Eminent domain had my grandfather, a WW2 Vet, lose his property for a new bridge in the 70s.  My mom and dad worked minimum wage jobs for us to get by in a place of our own after that. My pops was making $2.16 an hour at the steel mill back then and mom worked 2 jobs. We lived paycheck to paycheck.  I worked as much as I could through high school for my clothes, car insurance and gas. Remember under $1.00 a gallon gas!? I was accepted to every college I applied to, but didn’t have the money for it, so I joined the Marines to earn the GI Bill and it became my entire career. I didn’t want my future family to ever have to live like we did when I was a kid. I wanted CONSISTENCY OVER CHAOS.

      I know there are more people than I can ever imagine who have lived similar and more difficult lives, and whose grandparents and parents gave their ALL so their kids and grandkids didn’t have to live a life of struggle.  But here we are, getting taxed at a faster rate than the cost of living helps us keep pace with.  Mortgage payments, rent, energy, groceries, medications, health care, cable internet…literally EVERYTHING is getting more and more expensive and there is no sign of it changing either. Our lives need a refocus on making these above important life necessities, more affordable and give the people less of a worry of shortages, and drastic overnight inflation. Simple existence is fast becoming unsustainable. We need to GET BACK TO THE BASICS.

     When I retired from the Marines, I came home and worked for the State of Maine for 2.5 years, but something just wasn’t right, so I moved on. I knew I wanted to continue to serve, but the lower echelons of State work were not where it turned out to be. I started a Registered Maine Guide business that would serve Veterans with mental health issues. As a small business owner during the pandemic, life was hard, and after a few years of that, I had to call it quits as inflation wasn’t allowing much to happen at all.  My volunteer work at the Bread of Life Soup Kitchen and the time I dedicated at the Travis Mills Retreat wasn't enough either.  I had to do more to make a difference. I have been a full-time volunteer for the Republican Party at multiple levels here in Maine for almost 2 years now. The preborn, the children, the families working 80 hours a week just to get by, the elderly who thought they would retire comfortably but can't, the Veterans, those with metal health issues all have needs that are not being met. They need a voice and someone to fight for them. Pandemic induced inflation, men using women’s restrooms, trying to take away your right to defend yourself, making you get a shot that doesn’t even keep you from being infected or getting sick and many other things need to stop NOW. Someone needs to stand up and fight. I'm that SOMEONE for Augusta!


My name is Marcus Emerson and I am running for Maine State House of Representatives District 59.

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